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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sharing is Caring!

Posted by Adriana at 10:03 AM
Sharing has been a staple of friendship for centuries! The reason being is that I think in general it gives people that warm fuzzy feeling inside. Let's be honest though, not all of us like to share absolutely everything we have with each other! So then how on earth do you get a toddler to share? Well, my son is now a sharing caring machine but it took a little time to teach him. For example, we were at the park as usual... kids running everywhere, my son ecstatic to have the company of other toddlers since his brothers are alot older than he is, and wood chips galore! However, today at the park a boy approached me and my son and asked if we could buy some of his chocolate to help send him to science camp this year. Of course I get suckered into it since 1) I believe kids are our future and 2)Education is priority!!! But the most fascinating part of it all was that without hesitation, my son took his dollar out of his pocket - probably helped that chocolate was an incentive but you seriously have to see him with his money!!! It's as if these measely pieces of paper were all of a sudden turned into gold in his eyes! These are some of the following things I do to help encourage and teach my son to share with others:
1) The Golden Rule- Lead by example.
 Generally, children follow the examples which are surrounded by them. Ever heard the phrase, " you act just like your Dad" ?
2) Encourage your child to share every opportunity you get with you or with others
3) Reward your child every time he does a good deed such as spontaneously sharing with others without having been asked to do so.
4) Make sharing fun! You can play games and sing songs (You can gear these toward age appropriate levels)
These tips helped me so much in teaching  my son how to share and if you put them to the test and practice these tips regularly with your child you will soon see a huge change in your little one's ability to be a sharing caring machine too!


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