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About My Hot Mommy

My Hot Mommy is more than just another blog about health- it’s about enjoying mommyhood and transforming your family’s health into a fun and creative lifestyle approach. Here at My Hot Mommy, families can find the tools and resources for healthful activities and ideas to keep them motivated for a healthy lifestyle.

Let’s be honest – the health of a family starts with mommy! As a woman in today’s world, it is not hard to feel the pressure of taking on so many roles; for example, a wife, mother, career woman, daughter, sister, friend, doctor, disciplinarian, cook, housekeeper, clothing washer, cheerleader, homework helper, cab driver…. The possibilities are endless!! Basically, a mom’s role is a very nurturing one where our families look to us for support, motivation, compassion, and fortitude!  Being a mother is not an easy job and it’s definitely a “learn as you go” process that brings unity and structure to the whole family! Because of these things, I have been inspired to reach out to other mommies to discover and share everything about being a healthy mom and having a healthy family.

My name is Adriana Posadas and I am an Orange County mommy. I have always been passionate about health and fitness and even more so after the birth of my son, Ryu. What I would like to accomplish with this blog is to inspire other moms to create a healthy environment where their families can flourish. My Hot Mommy is about creating beauty from the inside out; as a bonus, my son and I want to meet other mommies and little ones to create friendships! Learn with us as we share our story and you share yours!


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