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Thursday, January 13, 2011

2011 Will be Your Best Year Yet!

Posted by Adriana at 6:17 PM
Another year and another New Year's Resolution! Towards the end of 2010, I found myself alongside the other New Year's Resolution sheep asking what I had accomplished and was I happy with what was accomplished. Yes I had accomplished many of the goals I had set out to reach at the beginning of 2010 such as shedding my baby weight, getting my son on a routine, getting myself on a routine....among others; but what was in store for me for 2011?  In order to find an answer to that question, I found myself asking more questions. One of the biggest questions was, why make a New Year's Resolution to begin with.
Well, imagine yourself wandering through life without any real objective or thought about being a constructive being. To me, that's a pretty sad existence! So I found the answer to that "big" question. I make my New Year's Resolution each year not because everyone else does it but because it helps me get on track mentally for my long term goals such as how do I want to live the rest of the life I'm blessed with, how do I want my relationship to be like with my husband, what do I want for my son...
I guess what I've found to help me achieve my goals during each and every year is to make large goals and work back and make smaller goals. In other words, imagine a long rope bridge where you have to walk each and every step to get to the other side of the rope bridge. If you make smaller goals and reach those smaller goals then it's much more likely that you achieve your original long term goal because it won't seem as overwhelming.   
Here is a step by step guide on how I achieve my goals:
1. Have a paper and pen handy
2. Write down a list of all of your long term goals (make sure they are realistic!)
3. Focus on one long term goal that you would like to achieve.
4. Think about this long term goal and envision a rope ladder with all the small steps needed to cross this rope ladder. Write down everything that comes to mind in order to reach this long term goal.

4. Create realistic deadlines, or how long it will take to reach the short term goal,  for each of these short term goals so that you will be held accountable for reaching the long term goal.
Vwala, you are on your way to making 2011 your best year yet! Taking these steps even further, you can re-evaluate your long term goal every month and track where you're at. Make sure you reward yourself for short term goals that were achieved. Happy New Years to all and happy goal setting!

"A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline."
-Harvey Mackay


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